Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad
Quality of air can be improved if we all work together! *Actions which we can do as per Air Quality Index (AQI)
STAGE I : POOR (AQI between 201-300)
Keep engines of your vehicles viz. cars/ bikes/ scooters etc. properly tuned.
- Maintain proper air pressure in tyres of your vehicles.
- Keep PUC certificates of your vehicles up to date.
- Do not idle your vehicle, also turn off the engine at red lights.
- Do not dispose waste /garbage in the open spaces.
- Report air polluting activities through Green Delhi App, 311 App, SAMEER App. Prefer Hybrid vehicles or EVS to control vehicular pollution. Plant more trees.
- Celebrate festivals in an eco-friendly manner – avoid firecrackers.
- Do not drive/ply end of life /10/15 years old Diesel/Petrol vehicles.
- Avoid outdoor physical activities
STAGE II : VERY POOR (AQI between 301-400)
- People to use public transport and minimize use of personal vehicles.
- Regularly replace air filters at recommended intervals in your automobiles.
- Avoid dust generating construction activities during months of October to January.
- Use technology, take less congested route even if slightly longer.
- Avoid open burning of solid waste and bio-mass.
- Avoid outdoor physical activities, especially during morning and late evening hours.
- Remain indoor and keep activity levels low#
STAGE III : SEVERE (AQI between 401-450)
- Walk or use cycles for small distances.
- Choose a cleaner commute. Share a ride to work or use public transport.
- People, whose position allow working from home, may work from home. • Do not use coal and wood for heating purpose.
- Individual house owners may provide electric heaters (during winters) to security staff to avoid open burning.
- Combine errands and reduce trips.
Children, elderly and those with respiratory, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or other chronic diseases to avoid outdoor activities and stay indoors, as much as possible.
Avoid outdoor physical activities.
Remain indoor and keep activity levels low#
*As per citizen charter of Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas.
# For vulnerable population – Children under 5 year age, old age groups, pregnant women, predisposed health conditions ie illness of respiratory, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, outdoor working people
Health advisory of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gol is available at
Member Secretary
The Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad is one of a large collection of innovative print advertisements at Advert Gallery that have been featured in different newspapers in Delhi.
Newspaper: Times of India
Date of Publication : 26-11-2023
Publishing City : Delhi
Publishing Page : Times of India Main Page
Other Social Awareness Advertisements:
Along with the Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad, many more print ads were published in Times of India Newspaper on different pages like Front Page, Back Page, Page 3, Page 5 or many ads are published as Jacket Ad and Full Page Ad on 26-11-2023 in order to target English readers in Delhi.
How was Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad created?
It takes great efforts to create a impressive design of an Advertisement. Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad must have been created by one of the Creative Designer or an Advertising Agency. This professional design Newspaper Advertisements which will help to unlock the key potential of the advertisers brand identity. The way Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad has been designed, it must have created a brilliant impression on the readers.
Most of the advertisements published in Times of India Newspaper are creatively designed by design department of an Advertising Agency.
Response from Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad in Times of India Newspaper
Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad must have had a positive response since the majority of advertisements placed in the Times of India Newspaper get an immediate response from readers.
Advertising your products or services in the Times of India newspaper is an excellent way to reach a large number of Delhiites. When compared to other newspapers in Delhi, it has a greater number of readers. It encompasses readers who spend money after seeing ads in newspapers.
Why was Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad published in Newspaper?
Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad was published to gain higher visibility from the mass audience of the Times of India newspaper.
Even in the age of the Internet and television, Delhiites still read Times of India newspapers to stay up to date on current events and local news.
Times of India Delhi Newspaper has a massive daily reach and the advertisements are reasonably priced that’s why Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad was published in the newspaper
Cost of Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad
The cost of Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad is based on the amount of space consumed. Times of India charges amount in square centimeter. So the cost of Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad would be the space in multiplied by rate per
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Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad is a Display Advertisement. Display Ads are those ads which appear along with editorial content on various Pages in the Newspaper. Delhi Pollution Control Committee Quality Of Air Can Be Improved If We All Work Together Ad has been charged by square centimeter by Times of India newspaper.
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